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10 Enrichment Activities Ideas for Dogs

10 Enrichment Activities Ideas for Dogs

Keeping your dog mentally and physically stimulated is essential for their happiness and well-being. Dogs are naturally curious and active creatures, and without proper enrichment in their lives, they can become bored, anxious, or even destructive. Fun enrichment activities are a perfect way to bond with your furry kids while keeping them sharp and happy. Check out some of the best dog enrichment ideas we curated below: 


Best Enrichment Activities Ideas for Dogs

1. Lick Mats

One recently popular dog enrichment product is the lick mat. Did you know that some lick mats do not only help dogs eat more slowly to prevent food gulping, but they also provide significant mental and emotional benefits? The Twirl Lick Mat, encourages slow eating while serving as a fantastic enrichment activity to keep your dog occupied. 

Lick mats provide mental stimulation as your dog works to lick off the food from within the grooves. This activity engages their natural instincts and curiosity, offering a productive and enjoyable challenge. Additionally, licking has a calming effect, helping to reduce anxiety by releasing happy hormones like serotonin and endorphins.

Suitable For: Dogs who experience anxiety, stress, or digestive issues due to eating too quickly. Great for dogs who have high energy as well.

Benefits For Dogs:  Lick mats encourage dogs to eat slowly, preventing digestive issues. The repetitive motion of licking also calms dogs by releasing the happy hormone called serotonin, which is a hormone that boosts their mood, as well as endorphins, a hormone that helps with stress relief.


2. Snuffle Mat

Image : Proud Dog Mom


Snuffle mats can provide your dog with extra mental stimulation during mealtimes, or anywhere in-between. A snuffle mat has multiple layers where you can hide your dog’s favourite treats or kibbles in between. The dog has to work its way through the layers to find its food. Snuffle mats also come in various sizes so you can take your pick based on the size of your dog. 

Suitable For: Dogs with a strong sense of smell and higher food-drive, minus the destructive behaviours as snuffle mats tend to be destroyed more easily if the dog gets frustrated.

Benefits For Dogs: Snuffle mats are great for dogs who get bored easily as they promote mental stimulation. They are also great for reducing anxiety and calming nervous, high-energy dogs.


3. Enrichment Toys

Enrichment toys are designed to make mealtimes fun for dogs. Aside from helping dogs slow down while eating, they also help to stimulate the mind and make dogs think. 

One example of an enrichment toy is The Pebble Toy - not only is it a slow feeder, but it also acts as a treat dispenser, rocking, bouncing, and rolling unexpectedly. Alternatively, you can freeze treats for up to 40 minutes of dog-licking fun. 

Suitable For: Dogs with high energy and those who eat too quickly. Great for dogs who are not afraid of moving items and are naturally curious.

Benefits For Dogs: Provides a way to challenge them mentally as they try to figure out how to get their treats. It’s also a good way to promote healthy digestion and prevent them from getting too bored between mealtimes.


4. Hide and Seek

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A game of hide and seek isn’t just for kids! Dogs love to play hide and seek just as much, as it’s a great indoor enrichment activity when going outdoors isn't ideal. Try hiding somewhere in your home and let your dog find you by either sniffing your scent or treats. 

You can also consider hiding their favourite toys or treats instead of using yourself and letting them hunt for them. This activity promotes a closer bond with your dog and sharpens their sniffing skills.

Suitable For: Dogs who love to sniff and those who thrive on engaging in activities with their owners. 

Benefits For Dogs: Dogs improve their sniffing and tracking skills as they use their senses to find their owner. It can also strengthen the bond with dog owners while encouraging exercise for both pets and the owners.


5. Scent Games

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As we all know, scent is important for dogs as sniffing is their natural behaviour. Make it even more enjoyable for them by playing scent games where you hide a treat in your hands and let the dogs guess which hand it is. Be careful not to let your dog see which hand you’ve hidden the treat in. Keep changing where you place the treat to keep your dog guessing.

Suitable For: Dogs who have a strong sense of smell and love mental stimulation which don’t require intense physical exertion. 

Benefits For Dogs: Dogs get to improve their senses and boost mental stimulation with minimal physical activity. This activity will also improve the dog’s concentration and focus as they try to find their treats. 


6. Ball Pits

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Ball pits are a great dog enrichment activity as they can keep your dogs entertained all day long. Consider placing a play pool filled with plastic balls, and mixing in some plushies or treats. It will surely be fun for them as they hunt for their favourite treats among the plastic balls.

Suitable For: Dogs who don’t tend to destroy or swallow plastic items. Great for dog owners who don’t have enough time to bring their dogs outdoors, but have the space for such a facility. 

Benefits For Dogs: Ball pits help provide mental stimulation and physical exercise as they dive into the balls searching for their treats. Ball pits also require dogs to use their senses, keeping them entertained without getting bored.


7. Tug-of-war

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All dogs love a little game of tug-of-war! It’s a good enrichment activity for dogs both mentally and physically, as it tests their strength and instincts. In a way, it's a form of exercise for both you and your dog. Don’t forget to tug it side-to-side instead of up and down, as the latter can injure your dog's neck and spine.

Suitable For: Dogs who have strong teeth, high energy and good strength. 

Benefits For Dogs: This helps to reduce high energy in dogs and creates a closer bond with the owner. It also helps to reduce aggression. 


8. Go Fetch

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Fetching is one of the common dog enrichment ideas as it’s a great way to promote both the mental and physical health of the dog. With fetching, you could use any type of item such as a ball, toy, or frisbee, as long as you can throw it and wait for the dog to bring it back to you. If your dog has a lot of energy, fetching would be suitable for you. 

Suitable For: If you live somewhere with lots of space for off-leash walks and if your dog has high energy and loves to retrieve objects. 

Benefits For Dogs: It helps to improve the dog’s physical health and improve their ability to stay alert. This activity also helps you build a better bond with your dog. 


9. Long Walks

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Ditch the short walks and go for long walks with your dogs instead. A walk would not only improve their overall health but also their mind. Consider exploring different routes or environments to bring a fresh experience to both you and your dog. It’s also one of the best ways to spend more time with your dog. 

Suitable For: All dogs, regardless of breed or size, can go for long walks with their owners.

Benefits For Dogs: Long walks not only help to improve the bond with the dog owners but also boost mental stimulation as dogs encounter new scents and sights. Since long walks offer a change of environment, they’re a great way to reduce boredom.


10. Dog Training

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Dog training offers ample benefits as it can boost their confidence and make them smarter. You can consider teaching them cool tricks or perhaps bond with them through simple commands like sit, paw, or roll over. Remember to sparsely reward them with treats for every move that they've gotten right.

Suitable For: Perfect for dogs who are younger or have high energy as well.

Benefits For Dogs: When dogs learn new skills, it helps to boost their confidence and build a stronger relationship with the owner. Dog training also reduces anxiety and promotes mental stimulation.



1. How often do I need to engage my dog with these enrichment activities?

It depends on your dog’s age, breed, and overall health. However, it’s recommended to keep them engaged daily for at least 30 minutes. 

2. How do I know if these enrichment activities are suitable for my dog? 

You will need to take into account your dog’s age, size, breed, and overall health when choosing the right enrichment activity. You might need to go through trial and error to know whether your dog feels happy while performing them. 

3. How important is it to engage my dog with enrichment activities? 

It’s important to keep your dog mentally stimulated and engaged through these enrichment activities as dogs tend to get bored or restless easily. These activities will generally improve your dog’s overall well-being, helping them stay healthy and happy.

4. Are enrichment activities safe for my dog? 

Yes, of course they are! As long as you choose the activities that are suitable for your dog’s size, breed, and health, they are safe for your dog. 



Many dog enrichment activities are both fun and beneficial for a dog’s mental and physical well-being. These enrichment activities for dogs help to provide a healthy outlet for them to release their energy while making them overall happier. Whether you incorporate these enrichment ideas indoors or outdoors, they will surely keep your dog entertained and develop a deeper bond with you. 

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